Okcupid Expensive

Okcupid Expensive Rating: 9,9/10 2543 votes

It’s expensive because it can be. Plus I’m pretty sure it’s a little cheaper for girls than guys. Can confirm, but for sexual orientation. Gay male OKCupid is cheaper ($30 for 3 months IIRC), I'm assuming that it's because there's way more competition for gay dating/hookup apps. OKCupid offers three different A-List Basics: a 1 month plan for $19.95, a 3 month plan for $44.85, a 5 month plan for $59.70, The most expensive plan is the Five month plan at 59.70. However, if you look at the Five month plan on a cost per month basis you save 40% by paying $11.94 per month versus paying $19.95 for for the One month plan.

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At A Glance

Bumble has become one of the world’s most popularsite since its formation in 2014. The revolutionary app was founded by theformer principal co-founder of Tinder, Whitney Wolfe Herd. She had left Tinderthen. Since it was founded by the same person, the app shares numerous featureswith its sister app—Tinder. For instance, it uses the same swiping principle asTinder. However, there is one significant difference—it is the women in Bumble toinitiate the contact and not the men. The women-friendly app has gained over12.5 million members worldwide.

OkCupid is one of the oldest apps. Since it waslaunched back in 2013, the app has seen tremendous sign-ups and has been thereason for many people's marriages in the US and other parts of the world.Unlike Bumble, OkCupid allows freedom and welcomes all forms of relationshipsand sexual orientations—something that is already portrayed by the beautifulpictures on the website's main page. What makes this site even more special isthe fact that it is free, and paid plans are only an additional piece of thepie.

How to Choose a DatingSite

Choosing adating site is never an easy task, particularly if you are overwhelmed by themany sites around you.

However, youcan always have a criterion where you can prioritize your needs.

Forinstance, you can begin by deciding whether you want a free or paid app.

If youchoose a paid app, what special services do you get?

Suchchoices can help you narrow down your best app. Essentially, both Bumble and OkCupid offer almost the same features, andboth are legit apps that you can trust.

Bumble,however, puts women in the driver seat—women get to decide who to contact andwhom not to. Bumble is also for singles looking for mature and seriousrelationships.

So, if youare that male with great vibes for a lady, you may not get a chance to use themon Bumble.

If 24 hoursare over and a lady you are interested in does not initiate a conversation,then count yourself unlucky because the match will be lost.

If you havenot used dating sites before, the 'try before you buy' criterion usedby OkCupid might interest you. OkCupid, however, is seen as a less reliablesite than Bumble because it's too crowded.


Both siteshave an excellent user pool. Both sites have an excellent user pool. They areboth available in many countries, but OkCupid appears to lead. The site isaccessible in almost all continents covering over 100 countries. Bumble, on theother hand, has a less audience as it is available in about 20 countries.

OkCupidenjoys too much popularity than Bumble. That is one conclusion we can’t argueabout. It is at this moment I wish to name my first-round winner in thisneck-to-neck competition.

OkCupid, itis!

Winner: OkCupid


Thepopularity of a site depends on the number of countries it covers. Popularsites like OkCupid tend to be more popular because of the vastnumber of countries they cover.

Bumble is also quite popular. It receives over 900,000 visitsper month and 11,000 users weekly. Even though women are the key drivers ofrelationships in this site, there is a very minute difference between thenumber of men and the number of women on the site.

One crucialfactor that one needs to put into consideration when choosing this site is itsavailability in the country. If you reside in the rural areas, you are likelyto spend months or years finding a match in Bumble. Remember, women areselective, and where you live is one significant determinant. Primarily, mostonline dating users live around the city irrespective of the site they'reusing.

Once again,OkCupid takes the trophy for being the most popular.

Winner: OkCupid

Is It Worth Paying For Okcupid

Sign-up Process

The sign-upprocess for both sites isn’t rocket science. It will only take you a fewminutes to sign up. Any tech-savvy individual can sign up comfortably within 15minutes. The sites are also safe as they do not ask too much personalinformation. OkCupid has a straightforward process due to its long list ofcountries and vast members. If you are looking for a site that will update verycritical information like the number of children and family, then you may notbe lucky. Both Bumble and OkCupid askfor education, work, and other general information.

Although itis difficult to tell which site is easier and faster to sign up, OkCupid stillleads as the preference questions have two choice answers making things evenmuch more uncomplicated.

So, it isOkCupid once again! (I think we got a winner already, LOL!)

Winner: OkCupid

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Okcupid premium expensive

When itcomes to features, Bumble seems to be more vibrant. OkCupid has generalfeatures due to its massive user pool. Any single member from 18 to 50 yearscan use the app comfortably. Premium members of both sites can enjoy greatfeatures to help get a perfect match. Well, it is quite annoying to know thatthe most fantastic features are not free. I wish to give credit to Bumblebecause most of its free features are great, unlike OkCupid.

This round,Bumble wins. Claps!

Winner: Bumble

Quality of Matches

Okcupid Expensive

We don't need to make a comparison based onthe quality of the matches. The winner is Bumble! How did I know? Well, let'sbe logical. OkCupid has millions and millions of users. Most members are actuallynot serious and are only looking for one-night stands or casual dating. It isnot easy to find a serious match who is ready to settle down. So, if you arelooking for a wife or husband to marry, you may not find them on this platform,but you can find them on Bumble. Women initiate contact on Bumble. That meansthat a woman will only reach up to a man if she is serious about them.

With thatsaid, Bumble takes the trophy once more.

Winner: Bumble

Aesthetics and Interface

Both apps have and use clean aesthetics.Bumble is easier to use and has better features than the 16-year-old OkCupid.The design on each app looks quite basic. Bumble has launched a Bumble Mag—amagazine distributed offline for free for people living in the United Stateswhen you request for it. Therefore, without going far into more details, I canconfidently give this one a tie. Both apps are great and are doing well as faras aesthetics and interface are concerned.

Both apps win!

Winner: Tie


We havementioned one or two things about pricing--which one is free and which one isnot. The truth is that most dating sites have premiums that come in packagesfor various perks. The more you pay, the better the services. This is nodifferent for OkCupid and Bumble. Both apps offer plans that can be boughteither for one month, three months, six months, and 12 months.

The trickis to find an app that doesn't overcharge and has excellent features. Bumble isa little more expensive as it charges $8 per week and $24 per month, but ifyour package is more than three months, you get a discount. OkCupid costs $19per month, but if you decide to pay for six months, you will only need to payless than $10.

Althoughthe gap is quite small, OkCupid is cheaper.

Winner: OkCupid

Who Is It For?

Most dating sites have no restrictions on thetype of relationship the members can indulge in. OkCupid allows all forms ofaffiliations and sexual orientations. This, you can confirm with the cute mainpage pictures the app displays. That means that anyone can find a soulmate onOkCupid comfortably. Bumble, on the other end, lets women take charge tocontact men. This way, a woman is able to choose the type of man they wantwithout getting harassed by the many unwanted inboxes. Men get to enjoy thepleasure of being requested. So, if you are looking for a serious partner, Irecommend that you should seriously consider Bumble your site.

Since it'sfor everyone, OkCupid wins on this one

Winner: OkCupid

And The Winner Is…

Hard andtough it was, but we got a winner! Ladies and gentlemen, let’s all clap for… OkCupid!

Yes, mostof us saw it coming. Therefore, it wasn't as surprising as I wanted it to be.Congratulations on reading through and identifying the winner before I couldannounce. That is really motivating.

OkCupid hasgreat features. It is also easy to use. It unites members as it allows peoplefrom different countries, with different orientations and ages to interact andfind love. OkCupid is an app for everyone.

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Well, Bumble is not doing bad itself because it bagged a few points. It also has a strong theme whose aim is to empower women and is a female-friendly dating site. No doubt, a great one to give a try.

How Much Does Okcupid Cost Per Month

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